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Cutting Energetic Cords

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

So, you’ve finally cut them off, finally decided to physically remove yourself from the negative situation. Maybe, you want to start anew with some people. That’s great! You’re moving towards acceptance, you’re growing. Greater acceptance for a person, people, a place, maybe even a situation. I want you to take a moment to applaud yourself, give yourself a pat on the back because you’ve progressed a lot from where you were. Now it’s time to give one last push to finally getting rid of that weight on your shoulders, that underlying anxiety. It’s time to start anew.

The reason it may be tuff to finally let them/it go is because of the strong energetic cord that’s still lingering. An energetic cord is invisible to the naked eye but it forms between our physical bodies and other peoples, places, or situations. They can be positive and empowering, like your connection with a romantic partner, best friend, or parent. These connections are strong and they keep you in tune with everything. When things turn negative, there is still a strong bond that becomes confining and harmful.

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